the blood issue is not a medical issue.. if blood transfusions were 100% guaranteed to be safe, jw's would still refuse them.. it is all about their interpretation of certain scriptures concerning blood.. you can make every reference known to medicine in mankinds history, and it doesn't make a bit of a difference.. it is a religious issue.. nightowl.
It is all about their interpretation of certain scriptures concerning blood.Wasblind,
Past, present and future.
the blood issue is not a medical issue.. if blood transfusions were 100% guaranteed to be safe, jw's would still refuse them.. it is all about their interpretation of certain scriptures concerning blood.. you can make every reference known to medicine in mankinds history, and it doesn't make a bit of a difference.. it is a religious issue.. nightowl.
The blood issue is NOT a medical issue.
If blood transfusions were 100% guaranteed to be safe, JW's would still refuse them.
It is all about their interpretation of certain scriptures concerning blood.
You can make every reference known to medicine in mankinds history, and it doesn't make a bit of a difference.
It is a religious issue.
i dated someone earlier tonight and she looks pretty good, she invited me over to her home.
she has a very good salary(she has phd degree) but i do not understand why she chose to live in a white trash mobile home park.
i asked her how long she is going to live there, she said she just signed 2 year lease last month.
Why don't you just MAN UP AND ASK HER, WIMP.
sometimes people with ordinary understandings and expectations encounter things outside their experience.. they deal with it and move on.
they tell people and answer questions.. eventually, somebody explains it and the incident (and the story) goes underground.. .
......only to re-emerge.. if it is an unusual incident or report eventually there will be others who come along.
Just call it unexplained phenomena or events.Exactly.
once i had been arrested for shooting the condor, the animal rights/environmental activists went justifiably nuts and were picketing the trial like crazy.
but when my turn came to testify i told the judge that i was guilty but very very sorry...and that i hoped they would understand and be lenient.
i explained how i was camping and hunting in the wilderness and fell and broke my leg and was stranded for days...once i ran out of food i became very weak and scared but fell asleep...when i woke i saw a large bird on a rock ledge right above me and quickly raised my gun and shot the bird for food...i did not even know it was califonia condor at the time...but i ate the large bird for three days until i was found and rescued.
Not funny................especially the owl part.
Night Owl
some ex-jws feel strongly we should all be "out of the closet" so we can present real faces to the public on the issue of cult dangers.
to those folks i say, more power to you, all the best.. for my own life i have a different approach.. compartmentalizing is healthy for me.
it keeps my past in the past.
No one should criticize someone who doesn't want to "come out" and identify themself as an "ex" anything.
That is a personal decision, period.
some threads question the intelligence of people who would "fall for" the teachings of the wts.. one of the current threads on this topic uses the terms "king......dumb.....hall" and calls jw's stupid, mindless, idiots.
my question is: what are you falling for now?.
I think there are some who have left the WTS and feel they are free of being caught up again. Are they being just as "mindless" as those they accuse? Are they really that much "smarter" than those they accuse of being "brainwashed idiots"?
I have some family, in addition to some friends in the Org. and they are anything but idiots.
They are just people who happen to believe in God in a particular way that is not popular.
Who is not brainwashed in this world? I don't think there is one.
Who even has an ORIGINAL thought? No one. Your head was empty when you were born and others filled it up.
some threads question the intelligence of people who would "fall for" the teachings of the wts.. one of the current threads on this topic uses the terms "king......dumb.....hall" and calls jw's stupid, mindless, idiots.
my question is: what are you falling for now?.
Some threads question the intelligence of people who would "fall for" the teachings of the WTS.
One of the current threads on this topic uses the terms "king......dumb.....hall" and calls JW's stupid, mindless, idiots
My question is: What are YOU falling for now?
the etan patz story was huge when i was a kid in the 70's.
very scary, parents didn't let kids out of their sight.
investigators found the body several weeks ago, and now this guy comes forward..
The more you jump to conclusions without all the facts, the more you look like those "hateful apostates".